I recently came across a Facebook ad that caught my eye and I wanted to dive deeper into it. It turned out to be a lead-generating ad for a healthcare attorney using a survey to gather the leads for a malpractice suit.
So, before I let you become nauseated from the ambulance chasers, I want to turn the tables to show you how you can effectively use online surveys and quizzes to grow your business.
The Facebook Ad
Here is the Facebook newsfeed ad that is the intro to the process.
Some information about this ad.
It specifically calls out its target market: “Those who experience complications with a Hernia Mesh patch”. Also, “NOTE: This is ONLY for patients who experienced a complication”.
The image text is large and right to the point: “HERNIA MESH LAWSUIT”.
The link text is where it encourages you to take the survey: “Take This Survey” and “Take this 3-minute survey”.
People love taking quizzes and surveys. Psychologically, they want to see where the fall after taking the ‘test’.
The Survey
The next step in this ad funnel is to begin to the survey. So, as soon as you click the ad, you are then taken to the beginning of the Hernia Mesh Survey.
There are several survey questions. The questions basically allow the person taking the survey to provide information to the attorney. So, by the end of the survey, the attorney knows who are the best leads and who are the not-so-good leads.
You’ll also notice that there is a progress bar. Once started, this progress bar moves forward, enticing the continuation of the survey. As you see the progress bar at 25% done, 50% done…it’s hard to stop completing the survey. Exactly the purpose.
I also noticed that during each step, my progress was being tracked with a Facebook pixel being fired. This provides them with valuable data.
Lead Gathering
Once you’ve completed the survey, you reach the step where you are asked to input your information.
After moving from step to step within the survey, you’ll be taken to the page for all of your desired contact information. Notice that this is not at the beginning, but at the end.
Why do surveys and quizzes work?
Online surveys and quizzes can be a very powerful tool. They are used by many of the largest companies to gather leads and grow their businesses. But, why are they so effective?
Various psychological marketing factors are at play when using these tools.
First, the use of quizzes or surveys automatically creates curiosity within people. People love these things, which is why you’ll see them used. I’ve seen them used in many ways in the health and wellness world.
Second, they create micro-commitments. Micro-commitments are small commitments a person takes – allowing them to increase trust and producing a desire to finish. Marketers know that once a person gets started, there is a strong likelihood that they will finish.
Third, people have a mental desire to finish things. So, after you have started a survey or quiz, many feel the need to complete it and find out the answers.
How Can You Use Them?
Growing a healthcare, wellness or fitness business poses huge possibilities by using quizzes and surveys. These can be used to draw people into a ‘fun’ element surrounding your business. Let me give you a few quick examples of how you can create one – ending in a potential lead.
- How Truly Fit Are You? Take the Quiz.
- Which Body Type Are You? Find Out Through This Survey.
- How Healthy is Your Back? Take the Quiz.
- Are You a Candidate For Cosmetic Surgery?
These are just a few subjects that I came up with in a few minutes. I’m sure you can see the possibilities by nailing down the topic.